Bub the Drama King

I’ve probably mentioned to my close friends and family members that I think that Bub is definitely going to win a Golden Horse or Oscars when he grows up. I guess I only have myself to blame for passing on my drama papa genes to him. This little fella is so overly dramatic that he over exaggerates every little thing.

I bet everyone remembers the antics of Neymar at the recently concluded World Cup?

Neymar doing em Neymar things~

Yeap. This Neymar. Lol~

Well, the Bub is at this level of acting right now.

As he was not feeling well over the weekend, we brought him to the doctors to get some medication for his upset tummy. By the time we got home, he was feeling a little doozy but we wanted to get him to finish his medication before we tucked him in for his afternoon nap.

But he was totally upset that he had to finish his medication and he started to throw a hissy fit. I causally tapped him at the back of his head to ease him into the kitchen so that Mama Lim could get him to eat his meds but the Bub reacted in the most Neymar way ever!

Firstly, he staggered a few steps before choosing a nice spot to land on the kitchen floor. *There is NO such spot*

Like a true artist that knows his craft, he landed his body softly on the floor, and carefully tapped his head onto the ground to create the *THUD* sound for a more realistic effect.

Then the tears started to flow freely.

Rolling on the ground and throwing a hissy fit in style


Rage face as the Bub attempted to kick me.


He realises that his attempt to win over sympathy is futile but carries on with his act nevertheless.

Within minutes, we managed to get him to calm down but we all know that it was just another dramatic act from him. When he calmed down, he continued his argument and told me that he had tears so it’s not acting. I told him it was just fake tears as this is not the first time that he did something like that.

I also reminded him we knew that he was tired but we just wanted him to take his medication so that he could quickly recover from his tummyache. Thankfully we managed to get him to understand our side of the story and hugged it out to make peace.

From what I understand from his teachers in school, the Bub is very well behaved in school so he might just be trying his luck on us to push our limits with him. Gotta teach this little fella that we are the boss and he’s not gonna trick us into giving him what he wants all the time.

As parents, there are times that we want to give in to his needs and wants, but we have to be rational when assessing and dealing with every situation in a consistent manner so he clearly knows the line between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour.

Hopefully he will also learn from his experiences and understand that the rules that we set are for his good and we can have less of these dramatic displays from him in the future. 😡